The ABC Recovery Center Alumni Association began in 1982. The very first fundraiser was a golf cart, which was raffled off during one of our sober events. This cart was donated by Bobby T. and it brought in $5,000 which went towards the building fund.
Today have several fundraisers throughout the year and we are committed to use the proceeds solely for residents. We are pleased to announce that we’re able to provide scholarship beds, holiday gifts for clients during Christmas. We also donate additional gifts which are given out by our residents to their children. Our primary goal is to give back what was so freely given.
The following is a list of our alumni events:
- The Alumni Breakfast: This $10.00 breakfast is scheduled on the first Sunday of each month (except if it interferes with MADD Dog Days or other conventions). The breakfast is from 9:00am until 11:00am with an AA Speaker Meeting and Raffle immediately following. Please join us for this very fun alumni/resident social event!
- The Annual Alumni BBQ: The doors at the ABC Recovery Center first opened in the month of April, so we honor this each year (yes, in April!) with celebrating our recoveries together during an alumni bar-b-que. This is a social event where we get to reunite with one another and also fellowship with the current residents. We get to show the newcomers (aka residents) that “it really works” and that we “don’t have to do this alone”! Our menu items are the traditional BBQ fair with the alumni serving ribs, chicken, corn-on-the-cob, etc. We have plenty of fun games (for the adults and children!), a pie eating contest, face painters, and much more.
- December: The ABC Recovery Center’s Annual Holiday Party is infamous and notorious for its fun and fellowship! This party is open to all of the alumni, residents and their family members. The generosity of our grateful alumni really shines through this time of year. All of the many gifts and holiday items that the resident’s receive are donated by the Alumni Association.