In-Kind Gifts

In-kind donations are non-cash contributions of goods, services, or time. In-kind donations can include physical property, intangible property (copyrights, patents, intellectual property), services, or rent-free space. Individuals, corporations, and businesses can all make in-kind donations. In-kind donations help nonprofits access goods and services that would otherwise be unaffordable or help free up resources to support their mission.

Given our limited space we aren’t always able to accept furniture or large bulk items as in-kind donations. We want to ensure we can put in-kind donations to good use, so we may need to take time to consider if we can accept a donation.  Should we be able to accept your in-kind donation, we will be happy to provide you documentation for your contribution.  Please contact our development department at if you are considering or would like to discuss an in-kind donation.

ABC Recovery Center would like to thank our community and donors for all their thoughtful support and consideration of our organization.