ABC Recovery Center Announces our Anticipated Plans for Expansion when a Grant of $27,227,150 is Finalized
In April of 2022, ABC Recovery Center responded to an opportunity provide by the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) and Department of Social Services (CDSS) regarding a joint Request for Application. This grant application encompasses Behavioral Health Continuum Infrastructure Program (BHCIP) projects ready to launch and Community Care Expansion (CCE) opportunities. This grant opportunity is meant to expand community capacity for serving the behavioral health (mental health and substance use disorder/SUD) population and funded organizations must make a commitment to serve Medi-Cal recipients.
On June 20th, 2022, ABC Recovery Center received an award letter in the amount of $27,227,150, contingent upon completing the final application and required attestations.
Through this funding ABC would be able to expand Intensive Outpatient Treatment, Detoxification, and Adult Residential Treatment Programs.
ABC has proposed construction of a new facility on our existing property, building two men’s units that would house a total of 80 men, and one women’s unit housing 40 women. In addition, to the housing units we would build a commercial kitchen and dining room/multi-purpose room capable of accommodating our campus capacity of 120 clients, an indoor gymnasium where our residents would have the ability to exercise, and office spaces for our 10 primary therapists and counselors. In addition, we would need offices for our admissions personnel, Medical Director/Psychiatrist and Incidental Medical Services room.
ABC is on the frontline of the opioid epidemic. Overdose rates, deaths due to drug overdose have increased in California from 12.7 per 100,000 in 2015 to 24.2 per 100,000 in 2020. Overdose is the leading cause of accidental death for those 18 to 45 years of age. This is one aspect of what our facility does in our community. There are two other Residential Substance-Use Providers in the Coachella Valley, neither of which have current plans of expansion.
On July 1st of this year, ABC will begin serving Imperial County residents as well. ABC will specifically provide residential levels of care to Imperial County. The RFA identifies Imperial County as having no programs of this type in their region. Imperial County is a significantly underserved region with a large gap in needed healthcare facilities and services. According to the Census Bureau, the median household income (as of 2019) is $47,662, with a massive 18% of persons living in poverty.
The Coachella Valley is predominately of Hispanic origin. This is 1.3 times the rate of Riverside County, and about 10% higher than the rate in California. Our project would have the ability to provide all our services in Spanish. This is achieved through hiring Spanish speaking professionals and deferential pay structures to those who are bilingual.
There are many studies out there addressing the iniquities in substance-use treatment. One such Yale School of Medicine study reveals that treatment gaps are enormous. In 2018, only 18% of people identified as needing treatment received it. The gaps are greater for minoritized communities. For Black and Latino groups in the US, 90% and 92% diagnosed with a SUD did not receive addiction treatment.
Services to be provided within the new campus expansion project:
Medication assisted Residential Withdrawal Management (sometimes referred to as “social setting detoxification”) is an organized service that may be delivered by an appropriately trained staff member who provides 24-hour supervision, observation, and support for consumers who are intoxicated or experiencing withdrawal. This level is characterized by its emphasis on peer and social support rather than medical and nursing care. This level provides care for consumers whose intoxication/withdrawal signs and symptoms are sufficiently severe to require 24-hour structure and support.
24-hour residential care for clients who require a 24-hour supportive treatment environment in order to develop sufficient recovery skills to avoid relapse or continued AOD use. Clients typically have multiple challenges in addition to addiction (trauma history, criminal/legal issues, psychological problems, etc.).
A 24-hour structured living environment in combination with high-intensity clinical services for individuals with significant cognitive impairment. The cognitive impairments are so significant that outpatient motivational and/or relapse prevention strategies are not feasible or effective and it is unlikely he/she could benefit from other levels of residential care. The impairments may be permanent or temporary and generally result in problems in interpersonal relationships, emotional coping, and/or comprehension.
In addition to these Levels of Care ABC would also provide expanded Intensive Outpatient Services to clients for 9 hours or more of service/week (adults, generally 9 – 19 hours/week) or for 6 hours or more hours/week (adolescents, generally 6 – 19 hours/week) to treat multidimensional instability. Services are designed to treat the individual who meets the diagnostic criteria for a SUD with instabilities or complicating factors, which require high intensity professionally directed SUD treatment. Group size is limited to no less than two (2) and no more than twelve (12) clients.
These new facilities would be in one area of campus closed off to through traffic. We have many clients fleeing from domestic violence situations and being able to monitor access to our campus is critical.
Our project team includes Sonnenblick Development who is coordinating the project team which includes the architect, Coachella Valley Engineers, and general contractor, Doug Wall Construction.
This new campus would allow ABC Recovery Center to meet the future:
- Meet the state’s priorities and offer alternatives to incarceration, homelessness, and institutionalization, as we have done for many years through our STOP Programs.
- Address the urgent needs/gaps of our county (Riverside) and Imperial County (A county with no residential SUD services).
- Advance geographic equity within our county and Imperial County. Both of which are identified in DHCS’ needs assessments as areas with service gaps.
- Advance racial equity, as we know many Persons of Color (POC) are adversely impacted through justice involvement and substance-use disorders.
- ABC is currently contracted with the County of Riverside for a myriad of Medi-Cal levels of care and offer a full continuum of care to our participants. ABC is leveraging county and Medi-Cal investments and are an asset to our community.
- ABC Recovery Center is the oldest program in our region. We have the land to do this. If not us, then who?
As one of Southern California’s leading destinations for addiction treatment, ABC Recovery Center promotes wellness and healing for all stages of recovery. Our clients are welcomed without judgment and provided our individually tailored holistic and multi-disciplinary approach that has successfully helped tens of thousands overcome their battle with drug and alcohol addiction. ABC Recovery Center is licensed and certified by the California Department of Drug and Alcohol Rehab Programs.
ABC Recovery Center offers a full continuum of services for those who have made the decision to make significant changes to their lives through the following programs: Detoxification, Primary Residential Treatment, Perinatal Residential Treatment, Individualized Day Treatment, Intensive Outpatient Programs and a Sober Living Program.
ABC Recovery Center provides Medication Assisted Treatment options, LGBTQIA focused care, co-occurring disorder services, and treatment in English and Spanish.
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